As one of the founding members of Stash I found myself in a unique opportunity to help design and build a product from beginning to end. I lead architecture and engineering efforts from the backend to the website and everything in-between. The result is a sleek, elegant and intuitive application, running on a highly scalable backend serving through a single set of API's to both the mobile app and website.
Year: 2013
Key Contributions:
- Architected and lead development efforts of the core data, core api, backend tools and website.
- Developed the core JSON API to service the mobile app and website from one scalable source; achieved high scalability with an aggressive caching policy.
- A highly configurable website mapping system with the ability not only to scrape but to identify events, dates, locations, images and descriptions.
- Built the Stash website to be fluid and responsive: data and content are implemented using a MVVM pattern for highly re-usable code; responsive web design using CSS3 and Bootstrap.
Technology Stack: dotnet, c#, mvc4, node, sql server, entity framework, objective-c, ios, knockout.js, html5/css3, sass, memcached, nunit